Elverson Honey Brook Emergency Medical Services - Chester County


2025 Statistics
January 275
Total 275

Past Call Stats
2024 2906
2023 2552
2022 2624
2021 2260
2020 2286
2019 2558
2018 2767
2017 2517
2016 2550
2015 2808

Web Counters
Website Visitors
January 1, 2015
Visitors Today
Mar 06, 2025

Licensed EMS Provider

Pennyslvania Turnpike Emergency Provider



CPR and First Aid Classes

Pediatric CPR

Minimum class size of 10

$85 per person - for class sizes less than 10 please contact education@ehbems.org


CPR/AED/First Aid

Minimum class size 10

$80 per person

includes adult, child, and infant - For classes  smaller than 10 please contact education@ehbems.org


Healthcare Provider CPR only

Minimum class size 10

$55 per person for non-profit community organizations and public safety agencies

$75 per person for other entities 


To inquire about any of our training courses, please email education@ehbems.org




Dedicated BLS responder - $225 for the first 3 hours, $55 for each additional hour - 1 EMT with first in bag

Dedicated BLS Ambulance - $450 for first 3 hours, $125 for each additional hour - transport capable ambulance standby dedicated to event

Non-Dedicated BLS Ambulance - $100 per hour - Transport capable BLS crew will stand by at event but is not dedicated and will leave to respond to other calls in the area


To inquire about standby availability, please email info@ehbems.org




-EHBEMS reserves the right to refuse any request for a class or standby regardless of the ability pay for any reason.

-Stand by and class requests are considered on a first-come, first-served basis.  Requests for classes and standbys should be submitted as early as possible to ensure staff and resources are available. Additional charges may apply for events and classes with less than 21 days notice.

-EHBEMS reserves the right to cancel classes and standbys without notice at any time based on the emergency needs of the community.

-An invoice will be sent with payment expected prior to the class or standby.  EHBEMS reserves the right to cancel any class or standby at any time in the event that payment has not been arranged.

-Waiving or modifying of the schedule of feeds will only be considered by the Chief of Operations following a written request to Chief@ehbems.org.  Please remember that EHBEMS is a non-profit organization and therefore a request for waiver of feeds for a non-profit sponsored event is not enough on its own to have the waiver granted.   

-No retroactive fee modification or waiving will be considered. 

-Fees are subject to change at the discretion of EHBEMS for both standing fees and individual events.

Website Designed and Hosted By: Content Proudly Maintained By: Contact Info:
Firehouse Solutions
Elverson-Honey Brook Area EMS
P.O. Box 154
4458 Main Street
Elverson, PA 19520

Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 610-286-8925
Station Fax: 610-913-6154
E-mail: info@elversonems.org
Copyright © 2025 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)