House Fire On Lexington Way In Caernarvon Township Berks County
By Newsdesk
April 26, 2024
On April 26th, 2024, at 5:17 am Twin Valley Fire Department along with mutual aide and Elverson-Honey Brook EMS were dispatched to the 100 block of Lexington Way in Caernarvon Township Berks County for a house fire.
Chief 69 (Hornberger), and Ambulance 89 made the response and were advised by the 911 Center that the caller reported a smoke condition from an unknown source. Caernarvon Township Police Department arrived and confirmed the report and assisted with evacuating the house along with neighboring houses. Chief 69 arrived to confirm a working fire and requested the “Working Fire Dispatch”.
Chief 69 assumed command for this incident.Twin Valley Fire Department units and mutual aide arrived and were given their assignments ranging from fire suppression to ventilation with searches being performed on the involved structures. Ambulance 89 arrived and provided rehab for the fire personnel and were also assisted by Tower Direct Paramedic’s. The fire was placed under control by Chief 69 at 6:08 am with extensive overhaul. Chief 69 requested Berks county Fire Marshall’s to the scene and a response from ppl to secure the utilities to the building. Chief 69 also requested a response from Belfor for board up service of the house as well.
Ambulance 89 was released from the scene at 8:35 am.
Twin Valley Fire Department
Mutual Aid:
Fire: Honey Brook, Ludwig’s Corner, Caernarvon Fire Company of Churchtown,
EMS: Elverson-Honey Brook, Tower Direct Paramedic’s,
Special Request: PPl, Berks Fire Marshall’s, Belfor